Current Projects
Works include additional and upgrading of existing drainage, additional gullies, kerbing and footpaths as directed by client.
Works include additional and upgrading of existing drainage, additional gullies, kerbing and footpaths as directed by client.
Works include construction of 28 apartments in Killyman Rd, Dungannon.
Scope of works included cut and fill operation, excavating for pads and footings, foul and storm drainage, kerbing and fencing.
Scope of our works include site clearance, deep excavation for foundations, excvation ground beams, drainage diversions and installation of new foul and storm, kerbing and fencing.
This contract involves the construction of Apartments in Lisburn Co.Antrim.
The groundworks package includes site clearance, reduces dig, foundations, foul and storm drainage, gabion walls, retaining wall, kebing and fencing.
Groundworks package, which includes excavating for ground beams, constructing 120 metres of 2.5 metre pre-cast culvert along with associated drainage, ducting and watermain.
Excavating for the footings and pads for the main structure along with retainning walls construction of new 4G pitch and associated drainage and ducting to facilitate same.
Works to date include 30,000m3 cut and fill exercise along with the excavating and pouring of the reinforced pad and strip foundations, construction of swimming pool area and grass playing fields.